Strict quality control system
Quality Management System
A process based management system approach has been adopted to help develop, implement and improve the effectiveness of the quality system and ensure customer centrality. BOFAN aims to preventproblemhs within the process sothat all output is accurate. Up-front preventive action is utilised totry to eliminate quality problems before they occur.
Quality Policy
BOFAN's established policy is to provide customers with Provide specification-made, "fit-for-purpose" productsand through the character ISO 9001:2015The quality assurance system is controlled. The policy implemented within Platinum Sail involves total quality management for each employee. We firmly believe that" Quality checks cannot be incorporated into the product"With this philosophy, the responsibility for quality lies Everyoneto achieve performance standards that meet customer requirements. The quality of our products and services comes from all functions of the organization. Teamwork and contribution. We constantly seek to improve, not only the methods, products and processes, but also the quality of services, procedures and relationships. We are committed to putting quality first, Total Quality-A Way of Life. In our business, The customer is God.We are absolutely committed Customer-centricWe will never forget that they are the lifeblood of our organization and the purpose of our existence. Top Management Team of BOFAN's Right Ensure that resources are well maintained and available, and that all policies, procedures, work instructions, flow charts and control plans related to the quality management system are communicated, understood, implemented as required, reviewed and Continuous improvement.
Quality Document
We provide additional quality documents and data according to customer specific requirements